Management Team


Dr.-Ing. Georg Geyer

Dr.-Ing. Georg Geyer


Data-Hub, Industry Solutions and X-Industry Solutions.

Data, Technology, Performance.



Founder of Information Factory in 1996.
Before: University of St.Gallen
Research assistant, Lecturer in Computer Science, Head of the Competence Center Knowledge Management, Knowledge Representation & Distributed Information Systems
Awardee «Switzerland as technology location».
Studies: Computer Science with Doctorate at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Jens Klöcker

Jens Klöcker

Solutions for Financial Institutions and the Public Sector, Software as a Service, Innovation Lab.

Data, Technology.



At Information Factory since 2013.
Before: Management in Software, in IT at Bertelsmann Group.
Studies: Computer Science at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.
Zoltán Szalay

Zoltán Szalay

Data Hub, Solutions for Financial Institutions and the Public Sector, Innovation Lab.



At Information Factory since 2006.
Before: Software development in different industries, incl. Financial Institutions.
Studies: Mathematics and Physics at ELTE (Eötvös Loránd University) Budapest.
Bruno Pereira

Bruno Pereira

Solutions for Financial Institutions and the Insurance Sector.



At Information Factory since 2017.
Before: Software development for different industries, incl. the Insurance Sector.
Studies: Computer Science at University of Porto.
Rui Pereira

Rui Pereira

Solutions for Insurance and the Public Sector.



At Information Factory since 2018.
Before: Software development for different industries, incl. the Insurance and Public Sector.
Studies: Mathematics and Computer Science at University of Minho in Braga.
Dr. Werner Truöl

Dr. Werner Truöl

Solutions for the Public Sector and Financial Institutions.

Operations, Data, Technology, Performance.



At Information Factory since 2016.
Before: Management in IT, Financial Institutions and in Consulting.
Studies: Electrical Engineering and Doctorate in Technical Sciences at ETH Zurich.

Management Consulting

Cosima Geyer

Cosima Geyer

Financial Institutions, Insurance Sector and Public Sector.

Operations, Data, Technology, Sustainability, Strategy, Compliance.

Innovation Lab.



At Information Factory since 2021.
Before: Mark Braun, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisor
Management Consulting with focus on data driven business models and transformations as well as product strategy and growth.
Studies: Product Design at University of Kassel.
Dr. Thomas Luippold

Dr. Thomas Luippold

Financial Institutions, Insurance Sector, Public Sector.

Strategy, Performance, People, Operations, Cost, Sustainability.



At Information Factory since 2023.
Before: Deutsche Bank, UBS, BCG
Managing Director & Senior Partner at The Boston Consulting Group
Head of BCG‘s Practice Group for Financial Services (Banking & Insurance).
Studies: Business Administration at LMU Munich and University of St.Gallen; Doctorate at University of St.Gallen; Honorary professor of Trier University.
Claudia Conrads

Claudia Conrads

Public Sector, Insurance.

People, Operations, Compliance, Data.



At Information Factory since 2001.
Before: Management in PR, Communication and Advertising with focus on Automation, Technology and Insurance.
Studies: Economics, Politics and Slavistics at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.